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AC driving system advantages in EV designs
1844 2016-11-27
AC driving system advantages in EV designs
It is common recognition and observation that Electric Vehicles (EVs) industry is a in a rapid developing phase, we see more and more industrial tycoons, medium-sized as well as small business entities are continuously investing on R&D extending their strength, technical know-how and facilities attempting to grow their business and market share to a higher level.

Most tier 1 EVs manufacturers strive and put their expertise in the EV structural design, with no doubt, in every part of vehicle industrial design in both appearance, aerodynamic performance and ergonomic are being adequately considerate; just like all other conventional gas engine vehicles.

As industrial insider, Green Motor Tech sees potentials in helping to build your EVs with most cost-effective combination of EV drive system; with years of accumulative experience and results by commencing severe tests on massive different drive kits.

Our insights believes a system below 15KW, i.e AC drive system, has overwhelming advantages, and following arguments are of the most prominent ones that we strongly recommend which such concept is becoming a mainstream of EV drive system design.
1  Maintenance free
2 Larger low speed torque
3  High speed performance
4  Noise proof
5  Advanced Control mode
6  Longer service life
7  Smaller volume
8  More customer preference;

Green Motor provide industrial insights and turnkey solutions to EV drive system globally, we are always in a position to serve all EV industrial players such as EV car manufactories, vehicle modification workshop and DIY lovers.
Electric Vehicle / AC Drive System / PMSM System / Motor / Lithium Battery / Steering and Suspension System / Rear axl / Mini Giant Transaxle /
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